Subtract a list from the mailing
Michel Morin
We would like to add the possibility of adding an option which allows to subtract a list from the mailing. So, for the moment you allow adding lists but not removing them.
For example, I want to send an email to all my prospects. But in this prospect list I have clients and I don't want my clients to receive the mailing. So, I would just add my client list in this new option which allows to subtract a list from the mailing.
Hi Michael, thanks for the feature request!
As of late 2021, it is now possible to subtract lists from mailings by using the Subscriber Segmentation feature (MailPoet > Lists > Segments > Add New).
You can do so by creating a segment in the following way:
* Select the lists you want to start with via "Subscribed to list > any of > specific lists"
* Select the lists you want to subtract as "AND Subscribed to list > none of > specific lists".
I hope this helps!
That makes perfect sense Michel. I'd also love to see an option to select people from the subscriber list and send a newsletter to them.